Central American Owls
A Reference for Central American Owls
Owl Galleries
The main Owl photos below link to their page where all photos, video and recordings of the individual owls are found. Each owl has a complete page of photos and recordings with explanations, field notes to help identify the owls… Look for the new streaming video on these pages!
Click on the Owl Species thumbnail below to bring up each main owl page.

Balsas Screech-Owl
Megascops (Otus) seductusBalsas Screech-Owl

Bare-shanked Screech-Owl
Megascops (Otus) clarkiiBare-shanked Screech-Owl

Barn Owl
Tyto alba
Barred Owl
Strix varia
Bearded Screech-Owl
Megascops (Otus) barbarusBearded Screech-Owl

Black-and-white Owl
Ciccaba (Strix) nigrolineataBlack-and-white Owl

Burrowing Owl
Athene cuniculariaBurrowing Owl

Cape Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium hoskinsiiCape Pygmy-Owl

Central American Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium griseicepsCentral American Pygmy-Owl
Click here to learn more about the Central American Pygmy-Owl

Choco Screech-Owl
Megascops centralisChoco Screech-Owl

Colima Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium palmarumColima Pygmy-Owl

Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium costaricanumCosta Rican Pygmy-Owl

Crested Owl
Lophostrix cristataCrested Owl

Eastern Screech-Owl
Megascops (Otus) asioEastern Screech-Owl

Elf Owl
Micrathene whitneyi
Flammulated Owl
Otus flammeolusFlammulated Owl

Fulvous Owl
Strix fulvescensFulvous Owl

Great Horned Owl
Bubo virginianusGreat Horned Owl

Guatemalan Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium cobanenseGuatemalan Pygmy-Owl

Guatemalan Screech-Owl
Megascops (Otus) guatemalaeGuatemalan Screech-Owl

Long-eared Owl
Asio otusLong-eared Owl

Mexican Wood Owl
Ciccaba (Strix) virgataMexican Wood Owl

Mountain Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium gnomaMountain Pygmy-Owl

Northern Saw-whet Owl
Aegolius acadicusNorthern Saw-whet Owl

Oaxaca Screech-Owl
Megascops lambiOaxaca Screech-Owl

Pacific Screech-Owl
Megascops (Otus) cooperiPacific Screech-Owl

Ridgway's Pygmy Owl
Glaucidium brasilianumRidgway’s Pygmy Owl

Short-eared Owl
Asio flammeusShort-eared Owl

Spectacled Owl
Pulsatrix perspicillataSpectacled Owl

Spotted Owl
Strix occidentalisSpotted Owl

Striped Owl
Asio clamatorStriped Owl

Stygian Owl
Asio stygiusStygian Owl

Tamaulipas Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium sancheziTamaulipas Pygmy-Owl

Tropical Screech-Owl
Megascops cholibaTropical Screech-Owl

Unstpotted Saw-whet Owl
Aegolius ridgwayiUnstpotted Saw-whet Owl

Vermiculated Screech-Owl
Megascops (Otus) vermiculatusVermiculated Screech-Owl

Western Screech-Owl
Megascops (Otus) kennicottiiWestern Screech-Owl