Guatemalan Pygmy-Owl

Guatemalan Pygmy-Owl

A Reference for North and Central American Owls

Guatemalan Pygmy-Owl is a new tentative division to the pygmy-owls in Central America. Both pygmy-owls and screech-owls of Central America have long been confusing, poorly studied, and/or defined. Just now are these owls beginning to become clarified and understood in science. The gnoma pygmy-owls have long been lumped into one big collage of owls. Konig and White (2008) suggested a much cleaner division of the Northern Pygmy-Owl into four species which we have followed here on Some of the most recent research on these species (Knut Eisermann and Steven H. G. Howell 2011) focuses on the vocal differences between Mountain Pygmy-Owl and Guatemalan Pygmy Owl.

Below you can find photos, sounds, description, and information on this poorly studied species of owl in Central America.

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